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Organic Flour

Mennel's Organic Flour is made with the finest soft red winter wheat, which is locally sourced and grown without the use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides while it's in the field. 

Our Organic Flour goes through a rigorously controlled, inspected and documented pathway from seed to finished flour. This natural variety is essential to achieving tender, flaky and soft baked products.  

For your clean label needs, count on Mennel to deliver superior quality, uniformity and service for a trusted Organic Flour that makes a difference. Partner with us and see for yourself.

Available in 50 lb. bags, super sacks and bulk options.

To learn more about Mennel Flour, contact our sales team at 1-800-688-8151 Ext. 95273 or

Mennel Organic Maximize Gluten Strength while Limiting Water Absorption

Stack of pancakes drizzled with maple syrup

BRC Food Certificated Clean Label Kosher OEFFA Organic USDA Organic